Monday 17 January 2022 England, UK

Week 2 Weigh in

 Dear Blogger

Week 2. I bet you're expecting some fantastic results, aren't you? She must have lost something I hear you saying. She has so much to lose, of course, she's lost something. Well, you'd be wrong, somehow I've managed to lose exactly nothing, yet again.

Katie Hopkins once said fat people are lazy, they just need to eat less and move more. I mean, for most cases she's not wrong, is she? For most cases losing weight is as simple as eating less and moving more. But what about those of us who have gone beyond choice? Those of us who continue to stuff our faces despite the Dr telling us we've developed a new health condition that could kill us. Those of us who have eaten to the point of becoming disabled? Can that still be called a choice? I don't think so, I think for some people it becomes an addiction. An addiction that's not so easy to quit. I have quit smoking, so I know what it's like to quit an addiction, but if someone had told me I needed to smoke just 1 cigarette a day else I'd die, I'm not so sure I'd have been successful. 

Onward and downward

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